Dawnesha Burns | Financial Expert

Dawnesha Burns is a highly esteemed financial expert of ASAP Finance with a wealth of experience and a remarkable track record in finance. As a seasoned professional, she has honed her expertise in various aspects of financial management and has helped hundreds of clients achieve their financial goals. Dawnesha finished Indiana State University in 2009 and started the Strategic Finance Program in Indiana University Southeast to improve her knowledge. After Dawnisha finished the program in 2010, she worked at Interra Credit Union to gain further experience.
Working Experience
Dawnisha has an extensive experience of nearly 15 years in the financial area. She has a great reputation thanks to her exceptional knowledge, strategic thinking, and client-centric approach. Dawnisha Burns can find the best financial solutions for every client’s problem, which makes her one of the leading professionals for individuals and corporations seeking comprehensive financial advice.
Dawnisha significantly improved her professional background working as a financial expert at Interra Credit Union (2010 - 2015) and Valeo Financial Advisors LLC (2015 - 2020). The gained experience helped to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice. Dawnisha’s keen eye for market trends and economic indicators allows her to identify lucrative investment opportunities while mitigating potential risks.
From July 2020 to December 2023, Dawnisha worked at Palmer Accounting & Tax Services as a tax counselor. She helped consumers and small businesses handle their bookkeeping and federal/state income tax filings. Since then, she thinks everyone deserves and should expect professional, timely, accurate services from their accountant.
Professional Goals within the ASAP Finance
Dawnisha Burns journey with the ASAP Finance company has started in 2023. She is an appreciated financial expert, who does excellent and honest work inside the team. Dawnisha creates valuable and informative content for our platform, constantly expanding her knowledge. Dawniahs’s curiosity and professionalism are the main reasons for the success of her written works. They significantly impact people's lives and show the importance of making informed financial decisions, particularly about loan services.
In addition to the role as a financial consultant, Dawnisha is a popular speaker. She regularly gives interesting talks at conferences and seminars in the industry. ASAP Finance’s customers admire her ability to explain complicated financial ideas in a way that is easy to understand. Both new investors and experienced analysts appreciate her presentations.
Dawnisha also cares about making a positive difference in society. She actively takes part in charitable and philanthropic activities. Her belief in giving back to the community shows that she thinks about the bigger picture in financial planning, focusing on long-term sustainability and making a positive impact on society.